Stars pypi


LaminDB is an open-source data framework for biology.

  • Manage storage & databases with a unified Python API (“lakehouse”).

  • Track data lineage across notebooks & pipelines.

  • Integrate registries for experimental metadata & in-house ontologies.

  • Validate, standardize & annotate.

  • Collaborate across distributed databases.

LaminDB features

Actual content in lamin-docs.

LaminHub is a data collaboration hub built on LaminDB similar to how GitHub is built on git.

LaminHub features

Actual content in lamin-docs.

Basic features of LaminHub are free. Enterprise features hosted in your or our infrastructure are available on a paid plan!


You’ll ingest a small dataset while tracking data lineage, and learn how to validate, annotate, query & search.


Install the lamindb Python package:

pip install 'lamindb[jupyter,bionty]'

Initialize a LaminDB instance mounting plugin bionty for biological types.

# store artifacts in a local directory `./lamin-intro`
!lamin init --storage ./lamin-intro --schema bionty
Hide code cell output
❗ using anonymous user (to identify, call: lamin login)
💡 connected lamindb: anonymous/lamin-intro


Run track() to track the inputs and outputs of your code (Transform).

When you first run ln.track(), it creates a stem_uid & version to unambiguously identify your notebook or script.

import lamindb as ln

# copy-pasted identifiers for your notebook or script
ln.settings.transform.stem_uid = "FPnfDtJz8qbE"  # <-- auto-generated by running ln.track()
ln.settings.transform.version = "1"  # <-- auto-generated by running ln.track()

# track the execution of your notebook or script
Hide code cell output
💡 connected lamindb: anonymous/lamin-intro
💡 notebook imports: anndata==0.10.7 bionty==0.43.1 lamindb==0.72.1 pandas==1.5.3
💡 saved: Transform(version='1', uid='FPnfDtJz8qbE5zKv', name='Introduction', key='introduction', type='notebook', updated_at=2024-05-23 11:18:58 UTC, created_by_id=1)
💡 saved: Run(uid='BELSj7MsFZ1lKNEOCXAW', transform_id=1, created_by_id=1)


Use Artifact to manage data in local or remote storage.

import pandas as pd

# a sample dataset
df = pd.DataFrame(
    {"CD8A": [1, 2, 3], "CD4": [3, 4, 5], "CD14": [5, 6, 7], "perturbation": ["DMSO", "IFNG", "DMSO"]},
    index=["observation1", "observation2", "observation3"],

# create an artifact from a DataFrame
artifact = ln.Artifact.from_df(df, description="my RNA-seq", version="1")

# artifacts come with typed, relational metadata

# save data & metadata in one operation
Hide code cell output
Artifact(version='1', uid='m45sfXfMutX9IZ2JQoRk', suffix='.parquet', accessor='DataFrame', description='my RNA-seq', size=4122, hash='EzUJIW3AamdtaNxG_Bu_nA', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True)

  📎 created_by: User(uid='00000000', handle='anonymous')
  📎 storage: uid='hNbmOaEzSWKo', root='/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/lamin-intro', type='local', instance_uid='3MepSh2Col3I')
  📎 transform: Transform(version='1', uid='FPnfDtJz8qbE5zKv', name='Introduction', key='introduction', type='notebook')
  📎 run: Run(uid='BELSj7MsFZ1lKNEOCXAW', started_at=2024-05-23 11:18:58 UTC, is_consecutive=True)
Artifact(version='1', updated_at=2024-05-23 11:18:59 UTC, uid='m45sfXfMutX9IZ2JQoRk', suffix='.parquet', accessor='DataFrame', description='my RNA-seq', size=4122, hash='EzUJIW3AamdtaNxG_Bu_nA', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True, created_by_id=1, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1)

View data lineage:

Hide code cell output

Load an artifact:

Hide code cell output
CD8A CD4 CD14 perturbation
observation1 1 3 5 DMSO
observation2 2 4 6 IFNG
observation3 3 5 7 DMSO

An artifact stores a dataset or model as either a file or a folder.

How do I register a file or folder?


ln.Artifact("./my_data.fcs", description="my flow cytometry file")
ln.Artifact("./my_images/", description="my folder of images")


ln.Artifact("s3://my-bucket/my_data.fcs", description="my flow cytometry file")
ln.Artifact("s3://my-bucket/my_images/", description="my folder of images")

You can also use other remote file systems supported by fsspec.

Does LaminDB give me a file system?

You can organize artifacts using the key parameter of Artifact as you would in cloud storage.

However, LaminDB encourages you to not rely on semantic keys.

Rather than memorizing names of folders and files, you find data via the entities you care about: people, code, experiments, genes, proteins, cell types, etc.

LaminDB embeds each artifact into rich relational metadata and indexes them in storage with a universal ID (uid).

This scales much better than semantic keys, which lead to deep hierarchical information structures that hard to navigate for humans & machines.

Are artifacts aware of array-like data?


You can make artifacts from paths referencing array-like objects:

ln.Artifact("./my_anndata.h5ad", description="annotated array")
ln.Artifact("./my_zarr_array/", description="my zarr array store")

Or from in-memory objects:

ln.Artifact.from_df(df, description="my dataframe")
ln.Artifact.from_anndata(adata, description="annotated array")
How to version artifacts?

Every artifact is auto-versioned by its hash.

You can also pass a human-readable version field and make new versions via:

artifact_v2 = ln.Artifact("my_path", is_new_version_of=artifact_v1)

Artifacts of the same version family share the same stem uid (the first 16 characters of the uid).

You can see all versions of an artifact via artifact.versions.


Label an artifact with a ULabel.

# create & save a label
candidate_marker_study = ln.ULabel(name="Candidate marker study").save()

# label an artifact

# the ULabel registry
Hide code cell output
Artifact(version='1', updated_at=2024-05-23 11:18:59 UTC, uid='m45sfXfMutX9IZ2JQoRk', suffix='.parquet', accessor='DataFrame', description='my RNA-seq', size=4122, hash='EzUJIW3AamdtaNxG_Bu_nA', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True)

  📎 created_by: User(uid='00000000', handle='anonymous')
  📎 storage: uid='hNbmOaEzSWKo', root='/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/lamin-intro', type='local', instance_uid='3MepSh2Col3I')
  📎 transform: Transform(version='1', uid='FPnfDtJz8qbE5zKv', name='Introduction', key='introduction', type='notebook')
  📎 run: Run(uid='BELSj7MsFZ1lKNEOCXAW', started_at=2024-05-23 11:18:58 UTC, is_consecutive=True)
  📎 ulabels (1, ULabel): 'Candidate marker study'
created_at created_by_id run_id updated_at uid name description reference reference_type
1 2024-05-23 11:18:59.754441+00:00 1 1 2024-05-23 11:18:59.754546+00:00 pojDvW72 Candidate marker study None None None


Write arbitrary relational queries (under-the-hood, LaminDB is SQL & Django).

# get an entity by uid
transform = ln.Transform.get("FPnfDtJz8qbE")

# filter by description
ln.Artifact.filter(description="my RNA-seq").df()

# query all artifacts ingested from a notebook named "Introduction"
artifacts = ln.Artifact.filter(transform__name="Introduction").all()

# query all artifacts ingested from a notebook with "intro" in the name and labeled "Candidate marker study"
artifacts = ln.Artifact.filter(transform__name__icontains="intro", ulabels=candidate_marker_study).all()

Validate & annotate

In LaminDB, validation & annotation of categoricals are closely related by mapping categories on registry content.

Let’s validate a DataFrame by passing validation criteria while constructing an Annotate flow object.


# construct an object to validate & annotate a DataFrame
annotate = ln.Annotate.from_df(
    # define validation criteria,  # map column names
    categoricals={},  # map categories

# the dataframe doesn't validate because registries don't contain the identifiers
Hide code cell output
✅ added 1 record with for columns: 'perturbation'
3 non-validated categories are not saved in ['CD14', 'CD8A', 'CD4']!
      → to lookup categories, use lookup().columns
      → to save, run add_new_from_columns
💡 mapping perturbation on
2 terms are not validated: 'DMSO', 'IFNG'
      → save terms via .add_new_from('perturbation')

Update registries

# add non-validated identifiers to their mapped registries

# the registered labels & features that will from now on be used for validation
Hide code cell output
✅ added 3 records with for columns: 'CD14', 'CD8A', 'CD4'
✅ added 2 records with for perturbation: 'DMSO', 'IFNG'
created_at created_by_id run_id updated_at uid name dtype unit description synonyms
4 2024-05-23 11:18:59.978209+00:00 1 1 2024-05-23 11:18:59.978251+00:00 t3xFhOG1ssGe CD14 int None None None
3 2024-05-23 11:18:59.978079+00:00 1 1 2024-05-23 11:18:59.978124+00:00 IQ2Hufx80ady CD4 int None None None
2 2024-05-23 11:18:59.977909+00:00 1 1 2024-05-23 11:18:59.977986+00:00 G4sCZQQBH1sf CD8A int None None None
1 2024-05-23 11:18:59.841394+00:00 1 1 2024-05-23 11:18:59.841476+00:00 MIH4gFN4HY6N perturbation cat None None None


# given the updated registries, the validation passes

# save annotated artifact
artifact = annotate.save_artifact(description="my RNA-seq", version="1")
Hide code cell output
✅ perturbation is validated against
❗ returning existing artifact with same hash: Artifact(version='1', updated_at=2024-05-23 11:18:59 UTC, uid='m45sfXfMutX9IZ2JQoRk', suffix='.parquet', accessor='DataFrame', description='my RNA-seq', size=4122, hash='EzUJIW3AamdtaNxG_Bu_nA', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True, created_by_id=1, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1)
Artifact(version='1', updated_at=2024-05-23 11:19:00 UTC, uid='m45sfXfMutX9IZ2JQoRk', suffix='.parquet', accessor='DataFrame', description='my RNA-seq', size=4122, hash='EzUJIW3AamdtaNxG_Bu_nA', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True)

  📎 created_by: User(uid='00000000', handle='anonymous')
  📎 storage: uid='hNbmOaEzSWKo', root='/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/lamin-intro', type='local', instance_uid='3MepSh2Col3I')
  📎 transform: Transform(version='1', uid='FPnfDtJz8qbE5zKv', name='Introduction', key='introduction', type='notebook')
  📎 run: Run(uid='BELSj7MsFZ1lKNEOCXAW', started_at=2024-05-23 11:18:58 UTC, is_consecutive=True)
  columns: FeatureSet(uid='jAi6hH4tZUqx5ZtVNQ4V', n=4, registry='Feature')
    🔗 perturbation (4, cat[ULabel]): 'DMSO', 'IFNG'
    CD8A (int)
    CD4 (int)
    CD14 (int)
  📎 ulabels (3, ULabel): 'Candidate marker study', 'DMSO', 'IFNG'

Query for annotations

ulabels = ln.ULabel.lookup()
Hide code cell output
Artifact(version='1', updated_at=2024-05-23 11:19:00 UTC, uid='m45sfXfMutX9IZ2JQoRk', suffix='.parquet', accessor='DataFrame', description='my RNA-seq', size=4122, hash='EzUJIW3AamdtaNxG_Bu_nA', hash_type='md5', visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True, created_by_id=1, storage_id=1, transform_id=1, run_id=1)

Biological registries

The generic Feature and ULabel registries will get you pretty far.

But let’s now look at what you do can with a dedicated biological registry like Gene.

Access public ontologies

Every bionty registry is based on configurable public ontologies.

import bionty as bt

cell_types = bt.CellType.public()
Hide code cell output
Entity: CellType
Organism: all
Source: cl, 2024-02-13
#terms: 2918"gamma delta T cell").head(2)
Hide code cell output
ontology_id definition synonyms parents __ratio__
gamma-delta T cell CL:0000798 A T Cell That Expresses A Gamma-Delta T Cell R... gammadelta T cell|gamma-delta T-cell|gamma-del... [CL:0000084] 100.000000
CD27-negative gamma-delta T cell CL:0002125 A Circulating Gamma-Delta T Cell That Expresse... gammadelta-17 cells [CL:0000800] 86.486486

Validate & annotate with typed features

import anndata as ad

# store the dataset as an AnnData object to distinguish data from metadata
adata = ad.AnnData(df[["CD8A", "CD4", "CD14"]], obs=df[["perturbation"]])

# create an annotation flow for an AnnData object
annotate = ln.Annotate.from_anndata(
    # define validation criteria
    var_index=bt.Gene.symbol, # map .var.index onto Gene registry
    organism="human",  # specify the organism for the Gene registry

# save annotated artifact
artifact = annotate.save_artifact(description="my RNA-seq", version="1")
Hide code cell output
✅ added 3 records from public with Gene.symbol for var_index: 'CD8A', 'CD4', 'CD14'
✅ var_index is validated against Gene.symbol
✅ perturbation is validated against
💡 path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key `None` ('.lamindb/Bcn16O2OyeN9ZYN0nPWH.h5ad')
✅ storing artifact 'Bcn16O2OyeN9ZYN0nPWH' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/lamin-intro/.lamindb/Bcn16O2OyeN9ZYN0nPWH.h5ad'
💡 parsing feature names of X stored in slot 'var'
3 terms (100.00%) are validated for symbol
✅    linked: FeatureSet(uid='vHMQkIO5iXAXK8rbiuli', n=3, dtype='int', registry='bionty.Gene', hash='f2UVeHefaZxXFjmUwo9O', created_by_id=1, run_id=1)
💡 parsing feature names of slot 'obs'
1 term (100.00%) is validated for name
✅    linked: FeatureSet(uid='2T5vxncUI8c0diMdAbVe', n=1, registry='Feature', hash='vkXtg9TDbg4MRwg7n7mP', created_by_id=1, run_id=1)
✅ saved 2 feature sets for slots: 'var','obs'
Artifact(version='1', updated_at=2024-05-23 11:19:06 UTC, uid='Bcn16O2OyeN9ZYN0nPWH', suffix='.h5ad', accessor='AnnData', description='my RNA-seq', size=19240, hash='ohAeiVMJZOrc3bFTKmankw', hash_type='md5', n_observations=3, visibility=1, key_is_virtual=True)

  📎 created_by: User(uid='00000000', handle='anonymous')
  📎 storage: uid='hNbmOaEzSWKo', root='/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/lamin-intro', type='local', instance_uid='3MepSh2Col3I')
  📎 transform: Transform(version='1', uid='FPnfDtJz8qbE5zKv', name='Introduction', key='introduction', type='notebook')
  📎 run: Run(uid='BELSj7MsFZ1lKNEOCXAW', started_at=2024-05-23 11:18:58 UTC, is_consecutive=True)
  var: FeatureSet(uid='vHMQkIO5iXAXK8rbiuli', n=3, dtype='int', registry='bionty.Gene')
    'CD8A', 'CD4', 'CD14'
  obs: FeatureSet(uid='2T5vxncUI8c0diMdAbVe', n=1, registry='Feature')
    🔗 perturbation (1, cat[ULabel]): 'DMSO', 'IFNG'
  📎 ulabels (2, ULabel): 'DMSO', 'IFNG'

Query for typed features

# get a lookup object for human genes
genes = bt.Gene.filter(organism__name="human").lookup()
# query for all feature sets that contain CD8A
feature_sets = ln.FeatureSet.filter(genes=genes.cd8a).all()
# write the query
Hide code cell output
version created_at created_by_id updated_at uid storage_id key suffix accessor description size hash hash_type n_objects n_observations transform_id run_id visibility key_is_virtual
2 1 2024-05-23 11:19:06.083953+00:00 1 2024-05-23 11:19:06.120894+00:00 Bcn16O2OyeN9ZYN0nPWH 1 None .h5ad AnnData my RNA-seq 19240 ohAeiVMJZOrc3bFTKmankw md5 None 3 1 1 1 True

Add new records

Create a cell type record and add a new cell state.

# create an ontology-coupled cell type record and save it
neuron = bt.CellType.from_public(name="neuron")
Hide code cell output
✅ created 1 CellType record from Bionty matching name: 'neuron'
💡 also saving parents of CellType(updated_at=2024-05-23 11:19:07 UTC, uid='3QnZfoBk', name='neuron', ontology_id='CL:0000540', synonyms='nerve cell', description='The Basic Cellular Unit Of Nervous Tissue. Each Neuron Consists Of A Body, An Axon, And Dendrites. Their Purpose Is To Receive, Conduct, And Transmit Impulses In The Nervous System.', created_by_id=1, run_id=1, public_source_id=29)
✅ created 3 CellType records from Bionty matching ontology_id: 'CL:0000393', 'CL:0002319', 'CL:0000404'
❗ now recursing through parents: this only happens once, but is much slower than bulk saving
💡 you can switch this off via: bt.settings.auto_save_parents = False
💡 also saving parents of CellType(updated_at=2024-05-23 11:19:08 UTC, uid='2qSJYeQX', name='electrically responsive cell', ontology_id='CL:0000393', description='A Cell Whose Function Is Determined By Its Response To An Electric Signal.', created_by_id=1, run_id=1, public_source_id=29)
✅ created 1 CellType record from Bionty matching ontology_id: 'CL:0000211'
💡 also saving parents of CellType(updated_at=2024-05-23 11:19:09 UTC, uid='590vrK18', name='electrically active cell', ontology_id='CL:0000211', description='A Cell Whose Function Is Determined By The Generation Or The Reception Of An Electric Signal.', created_by_id=1, run_id=1, public_source_id=29)
✅ created 1 CellType record from Bionty matching ontology_id: 'CL:0000000'
💡 also saving parents of CellType(updated_at=2024-05-23 11:19:08 UTC, uid='7kYbAaTq', name='neural cell', ontology_id='CL:0002319', description='A Cell That Is Part Of The Nervous System.', created_by_id=1, run_id=1, public_source_id=29)
💡 also saving parents of CellType(updated_at=2024-05-23 11:19:08 UTC, uid='5NqNmmSr', name='electrically signaling cell', ontology_id='CL:0000404', description='A Cell That Initiates An Electrical Signal And Passes That Signal To Another Cell.', created_by_id=1, run_id=1, public_source_id=29)
# create a record to track a new cell state
new_cell_state = bt.CellType(name="my neuron cell state", description="explains X")

# express that it's a neuron state

# view ontological hierarchy

Scale up data & learning

How do you learn from new datasets that extend your previous data history? Leverage Collection.

# a new dataset
df = pd.DataFrame(
        "CD8A": [2, 3, 3],
        "CD4": [3, 4, 5],
        "CD38": [4, 2, 3],
        "perturbation": ["DMSO", "IFNG", "IFNG"]
    index=["observation4", "observation5", "observation6"],
adata = ad.AnnData(df[["CD8A", "CD4", "CD38"]], obs=df[["perturbation"]])

# validate, annotate and save a new artifact
annotate = ln.Annotate.from_anndata(
artifact2 = annotate.save_artifact(description="my RNA-seq dataset 2")
Hide code cell output
✅ added 1 record from public with Gene.symbol for var_index: 'CD38'
✅ var_index is validated against Gene.symbol
✅ perturbation is validated against
💡 path content will be copied to default storage upon `save()` with key `None` ('.lamindb/OEDHerP0QQ7yMBBEjEkh.h5ad')
✅ storing artifact 'OEDHerP0QQ7yMBBEjEkh' at '/home/runner/work/lamindb/lamindb/docs/lamin-intro/.lamindb/OEDHerP0QQ7yMBBEjEkh.h5ad'
💡 parsing feature names of X stored in slot 'var'
3 terms (100.00%) are validated for symbol
✅    linked: FeatureSet(uid='LajolD3YePkAvzPiXCoG', n=3, dtype='int', registry='bionty.Gene', hash='QW2rHuIo5-eGNZbRxHMD', created_by_id=1, run_id=1)
💡 parsing feature names of slot 'obs'
1 term (100.00%) is validated for name
✅    loaded: FeatureSet(uid='2T5vxncUI8c0diMdAbVe', n=1, registry='Feature', hash='vkXtg9TDbg4MRwg7n7mP', created_by_id=1, run_id=1)
✅    linked: FeatureSet(uid='2T5vxncUI8c0diMdAbVe', n=1, registry='Feature', hash='vkXtg9TDbg4MRwg7n7mP', created_by_id=1, run_id=1)
✅ saved 1 feature set for slot: 'var'

Collections of artifacts

Create a collection using Collection.

collection = ln.Collection([artifact, artifact2], name="my RNA-seq collection", version="1")  # transfer labels from artifacts to collection
Hide code cell output
✅ loaded: FeatureSet(uid='2T5vxncUI8c0diMdAbVe', n=1, registry='Feature', hash='vkXtg9TDbg4MRwg7n7mP', created_by_id=1, run_id=1)
✅ saved 1 feature set for slot: 'var'
💡 transferring perturbation
💡 transferring perturbation
Collection(version='1', updated_at=2024-05-23 11:19:14 UTC, uid='XL3hSprcSOAftABHYPAJ', name='my RNA-seq collection', hash='5g0aLY_lBSTkIYYUTycd', visibility=1)

  📎 created_by: User(uid='00000000', handle='anonymous')
  📎 transform: Transform(version='1', uid='FPnfDtJz8qbE5zKv', name='Introduction', key='introduction', type='notebook')
  📎 run: Run(uid='BELSj7MsFZ1lKNEOCXAW', started_at=2024-05-23 11:18:58 UTC, is_consecutive=True)
  obs: FeatureSet(uid='2T5vxncUI8c0diMdAbVe', n=1, registry='Feature')
    🔗 perturbation (1, cat[ULabel]): 'DMSO', 'IFNG'
  var: FeatureSet(uid='ZtwhK6a5qD5KeDHk0549', n=4, dtype='int', registry='bionty.Gene')
    'CD8A', 'CD4', 'CD14', 'CD38'
  📎 ulabels (2, ULabel): 'DMSO', 'IFNG'
# if it's small enough, you can load the entire collection into memory as if it was one

# typically, it's too big, hence, iterate over its artifacts

# or look at a DataFrame listing the artifacts
Hide code cell output
version created_at created_by_id updated_at uid storage_id key suffix accessor description size hash hash_type n_objects n_observations transform_id run_id visibility key_is_virtual
2 1 2024-05-23 11:19:06.083953+00:00 1 2024-05-23 11:19:06.120894+00:00 Bcn16O2OyeN9ZYN0nPWH 1 None .h5ad AnnData my RNA-seq 19240 ohAeiVMJZOrc3bFTKmankw md5 None 3 1 1 1 True
3 None 2024-05-23 11:19:14.334257+00:00 1 2024-05-23 11:19:14.368017+00:00 OEDHerP0QQ7yMBBEjEkh 1 None .h5ad AnnData my RNA-seq dataset 2 19240 L37UPl4IUH20HkIRzvlRMw md5 None 3 1 1 1 True

Data loaders

# to train models, batch iterate through the collection as if it was one array
from import DataLoader, WeightedRandomSampler
dataset = collection.mapped(obs_keys=["perturbation"])
sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(
    weights=dataset.get_label_weights("perturbation"), num_samples=len(dataset)
data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=2, sampler=sampler)
for batch in data_loader:

Read this blog post for more on training models on sharded datasets.

Data lineage

Save notebooks & scripts

If you call finish(), you save the run report, source code, and compute environment to your default storage location.


See an example for this introductory notebook here.

Show me a screenshot

If you want to cache a notebook or script, call:

lamin get

Data lineage across entire projects

View the sequence of data transformations (Transform) in a project (from a use case, based on Schmidt et al., 2022):


Or, the generating flow of an artifact:


Both figures are based on mere calls to ln.track() in notebooks, pipelines & app.

Distributed databases

Easily create & access databases

LaminDB is a distributed system like git. Similar to cloning a repository, collaborators can connect to your instance via:


Or you load an instance on the command line for auto-connecting in a Python session:

lamin load "account-handle/instance-name"

Or you create your new instance:

lamin init --storage ./my-data-folder

Custom schemas and plugins

LaminDB can be customized & extended with schema & app plugins building on the Django ecosystem. Examples are:

  • bionty: Registries for basic biological entities, coupled to public ontologies.

  • wetlab: Exemplary custom schema to manage samples, treatments, etc.

If you’d like to create your own schema or app:

  1. Create a git repository with registries similar to wetlab

  2. Create & deploy migrations via lamin migrate create and lamin migrate deploy

It’s fastest if we do this for you based on our templates within an enterprise plan.



The complexity of modern R&D data often blocks realizing the scientific progress it promises: see this blog post.

More basically: The pydata family of objects is at the heart of most data science, ML & comp bio workflows: DataFrame, AnnData, pytorch.DataLoader, zarr.Array, pyarrow.Table, xarray.Collection, etc. We couldn’t find a tool to link these objects to context so that they could be analyzed in context:

  • provenance: data sources, data transformations, models, users

  • domain knowledge & experimental metadata: the features & labels derived from domain entities


  1. Batched datasets from physical instruments are transformed (Transform) into useful representations (Artifact)

  2. Learning needs features (Feature, CellMarker, …) and labels (ULabel, CellLine, …)

  3. Insights connect representations to experimental metadata and knowledge (ontologies)

Schema & API

LaminDB provides a SQL schema for common entities: Artifact, Collection, Transform, Feature, ULabel etc. - see the API reference or the source code.

The core schema is extendable through plugins (see blue vs. red entities in graphic), e.g., with basic biological (Gene, Protein, CellLine, etc.) & operational entities (Biosample, Techsample, Treatment, etc.).

What is the schema language?

Data models are defined in Python using the Django ORM. Django translates them to SQL tables. Django is one of the most-used & highly-starred projects on GitHub (~1M dependents, ~73k stars) and has been robustly maintained for 15 years.

On top of the schema, LaminDB is a Python API that abstracts over storage & database access, data transformations, and (biological) ontologies.


LaminDB and its plug-ins consist in open-source Python libraries & publicly hosted metadata assets:

LaminHub is not open-sourced.


LaminDB was influenced by many other projects, see Influences.